Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is defined as a concept whereby “....companies integrate social and environmental concerns in their business operations and in their interaction with their stakeholders on a voluntary basis.” (Green Paper on Corporate Social Responsibility, European Commission, July 2001)
Today, an increasing number of consumers and employees consider Corporate Social Responsibility as a determining factor, and for the companies themselves it is becoming increasingly important: to support the development of the most disadvantaged communities is fundamental in a society that demands solidarity, justice and sustainable development.
If you are a company, here are some good reasons for you to support us:
- Companies that support our Foundation are contributing to the implementation of projects that benefit thousands of people worldwide;
- Companies that become our partners will enhance their CSR internally as well as improve their image as socially responsible enterprises externally;
- Your company’s contribution to our non-profit organization may be tax deductible*
Choose the formula most suitable for your company, or contact us to check out what we can achieve together:
- With a donation to support a specific project.
- By sponsoring information campaigns, organizing fundraising events or providing free goods and pro bono services
- Giving FCM visibility promoting its projects and initiatives through the corporate’s information channels and/or social networks
For more information please email to info@fondazionecombonianenelmondo.org
*Please check with the fiscal authorities of your country
Come promuovere il 5X1000 nella tua azienda
Con piccoli e semplici gesti di responsabilità sociale puoi diffondere il nostro messaggio del 5X1000 nella tua rete di contatti aziendali.

Il “payroll giving” consiste nella donazione facoltativa e libera di una o più ore dello stipendio mensile di un dipendente che avviene attraverso la trattenuta della somma dalla busta paga. il lavoratore, senza alcun impegno, può sostenere un determinato progetto, recedere o modificare l’importo in qualsiasi momento, benefiiciando dei benefici fiscali derivanti dalla donazione.
Per “match giving” invece si intende la buona pratica, opzionale e da attivare contestualmente al payroll giving, con la quale l’azienda si impegna a donare un importo proporzionale, pari o doppio a quello raccolto presso i propri dipendenti.