When you make a gift, joy is always two-fold: there is the one of the person who receives the gift and feels loved; and that of the other who gives and knows that he made a loved one happy. What if we could multiply that joy? With a solidarity gift from the FCM Foundation you will not only demonstrate that you care about the person who receives it, but you will also bring a smile on the faces of many children and families in the Global South.
The solidarity kits are concrete and effective provisions that improve the lives of a great number of people in our missions. They complement the projects of the Comboni Missionary Sisters who have been living and working alongside people in Africa, Latin America and the Middle East for the last 150 years. You can choose between 5 KINDS OF SOLIDARITY KIT: if you donate any one of them you will receive an electronic greeting card that you may send to your friends and relatives.

The people we support often live in very precarious situations, in refugee camps or in prisons. They have lost everything, or they have no one to take care of them. With your contribution of 15 euros we can provide them with basic necessities such as soap, clothes, blankets, food and whatever they need to live with dignity.

In many parts of the world, education is not a right, but a privilege for the few. School fees weigh heavily on families' economies, and school dropout is endemic precisely for this reason. Moreover, in the case of large families, it is always the girls who are left behind. With 30 euros you donate school uniforms, books and stationary to disadvantaged children and help them to construct their future.

In many parts of Africa, infant and maternal mortality is still very high, and birth is often an event that should be one of pure joy becomes a drama. Moreover, many children do not reach the age of 5 because of easily curable diseases and malnutrition. With 50 euros you can ensure a future for a newborn baby: the kit includes the purchase of covers, powdered milk and the participation at the full vaccination program for the newborn.
In our missions, women are often those who bear the well-being of their whole family on their shoulders. But it is difficult to find decent work if you lack basic skills or an adequate level of literacy. With 80 euros you make sure that a woman can attend a literacy course, a vocational course to learn a trade, or get access to a microfinance project to support her family.
The protection we try to provide to the most vulnerable people in our missions encompasses all aspects of life, including health. In many parts of the world, any medical intervention is paid for and even a simple disease can become prohibitive for a family. With 100 euros you help to provide medicines and basic surgery to the most vulnerable people, as well as childbirth assistance for mothers in difficulty.