Solidarity Will or Legacy
The solidarity bequest or legacy is a donation written in your will. When you choose to include it, you freely and consciously affirm in your testament the ideals you believe in, without in any way harming the rights of your loved ones and family members. It is a concrete gesture of solidarity.
Why FCM?
FCM is a Foundation of the Comboni Missionary Sisters, who have been living alongside the local people for more than 150 years now, usually in the most remote areas, to share their Faith with them and to create conditions that allow them to lead a dignified life. The Sisters devote particular attention to women, children, refugees and, in general, the most vulnerable and those who are left behind. With a Solidarity Legacy you help us to ensure continuity over time and to support medical care, education, the promotion of women and the care for our common home with the purpose of creating sustainable living conditions for all.

How much and what?
A small legacy will suffice to help many people in a situation of vulnerability and to accompany them through our projects towards a dignified life.
Even a small contribution will make the difference!
What can you donate?
- The entire property, or a part of it (depending on whether or not you have heirs)
- A sum of money, securities, shares, investment funds, equities
- A life insurance policy
A life insurance benefitting FCM
A life insurance policy is a form of donation that is not part of the hereditary asset of the person who takes it out. Claims arising from a life insurance policy shall be collected by the beneficiary only after the insured person has passed away.
Contact us: we will explain how to take out a life insurance policy and provide you with the necessary documentation.
Contact us
- For more information please email to lasciti@fondazionecombonianenelmondo.org
- or write a whatsapp message to: +39 371/3426414 - we will contact you.
If you wish to make a bequest to FCM, please specify in your will the legal name of the beneficiary: Fondazione Comboniane nel Mondo Onlus, as well as its Italian tax number (called “codice fiscale”): c.f. 97485440586 - otherwise the legacy will not be valid.

What is a solidarity testament or legacy? By a solidarity legacy or testament a person can leave (dispose) all or part of their assets in favor of one or more beneficial entities (associations, foundations, non-profit organizations, etc.), that is, legal entities engaged in humanitarian, social, cultural, health, scientific activities and/or research.
How to proceed? You can decide whether to write it yourself (holographic will), have it drawn up by a notary in the presence of two witnesses (public will) or hand it in deposit to the notary in a sealed envelope (secret will). If you wish to make a bequest in your will benefitting our Foundation, please indicate clearly its legal name: Fondazione Comboniane nel Mondo Onlus, together with its Italian tax number c.f. 97485440586, otherwise the legacy will not be valid.
I have heirs, can I still make a solidarity legacy?(*)
- Yes. If you have heirs, you can freely donate your part of the estate that does not fall within the share reserved for them ("legitimate share").
- If you have no heirs, you can decide on the entire property.
What does FCM do with the donations received through my will? The legacy will be transformed into support for the activities carried out by the Foundation, in line with the directory for the missions of the Comboni Missionary Sisters. It will help to meet concrete needs, such as educational projects, health care, agriculture, construction of wells, dispensaries, schools, women’s empowerment and many others.
(*) Please find out what the legislation in your country provides in this regard