Project Location
The project is targeted to the Jahalin Bedouin communities of the West Bank. The Bedouins of the Jahalin tribe come from the Tel Arad district in the Negev desert. Tribal history indicates that since 1949 the Israeli authorities have initiated a campaign of forced evacuation against the Bedouins in the Tel Arad region. Physical and psychological violence increased, causing the demolition of Bedouin homes. The Jahalin tribe fled the tribal territories on the fringes of the Negev, moving first to Jordan and then to the West Bank, recognized as refugees by UNRWA.
Bedouin villages are located in an area of the West Bank called "C" by the Oslo Accords. Area C is the new frontier of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict where numerous human rights violations continue. A large part of the population risks being deported or seeing their homes demolished for "security reasons". And the most often affected are precisely the nomadic tribes.
In recent years Jerusalem has been pressured to annex area C within Israel, offering about 80 thousand Palestinians Israeli citizenship, a proposal rejected by Palestinian negotiators. To remain excluded from the chronicles of clashes and negotiations are, however, the more than 28 thousand Bedouins who live peacefully in Area C.
These nomads, accustomed to always cross borders and settle in lands based on a simple variable, the presence of water, are experiencing harsh repression. Today most of them risk seeing their camps demolished and being "reallocated" elsewhere.
Project description
The project aimed to establish a network of kindergartens in Bedouin Jahalin villages. The necessity of the project arose from the requests of the Jahalin community itself for the difficulties of their children to enter schools. The project is to help the kindergartens to rely on their own skills. From this year we are accompanying 11 villages, giving priority to the education of children, both in kindergartens and after school for those children allowed to attend government schools.
Many moments are dedicated to recreational, educational and motor activities include educational play and free play. The game, by its nature, has a strong educational and formative value. In fact, by encouraging the total involvement of children, at a time when they are increasingly attracted to solitary and multimedia games, it helps them to: share, collaborate and welcome each other; challenge themselves and confront each other; accept and internalize rules; pay attention; use memory; activate problem-solving strategies; try socializing activities. In this context we also think of presenting them various types of sports, always maintaining its playful and aggregating connotation.
- Improving the level of schooling of children in communities, preparing children for integration into the school world for a better future
- Continue the updating of educators in the field of education
- Continue with the after-school program to boost the school performance of children with difficulties.
Direct: about 125 children attending kindergartens and after-school programs, 11 educators.
Indirect: the Bedouin communities and the whole of society.
Referent sister of the project: sr García Grande Maria de Lourdes
Project's costs