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6 months
76239 € / 69139 €

Project Location

The project take place at the Nacala Women's Community Polytechnic Institute (IPCFN) located in Nampula province. The Institution is located 4 km from the central area of Nacala, in an area of expansion and development, a residential area with rampant industrial development and overcrowded.

The IPCFN was founded in 1998 to respond to the need to provide quality training to Mozambican women. The direction and administration of the Institute are the responsibility of the Comboni Missionary Sisters. There are currently 299 students in two cycles: 81 in vocational technical education and 218 in general secondary education, of which 147 are girls in boarding schools.

The IPCFN hosts girls from different regions and ethnicities of the country, currently coming from 18 districts of Nampula province; suburban localities and suburban areas of the cities of Nacala and Nampula; am also from the provinces of North (Cabo Delgado, Zambézia), South (Maputo) and Central (Beira). More than 60% of these young women come from within the country and from poor and needy communities, many of them benefit from a scholarship to continue their studies.

Nacala Porto is a port city and is the main point of the mega-logistics enterprise called "Nacala Logistic Corridor" (or "Northern Logistics Corridor"), which, in addition to the railway, includes highways, ports and airports, all born in an attempt to create a new economic dynamic for the north of the nation. Because of this situation, the city of Nacala is part of the Special Economic Zone, where most of the industrial part of northern Mozambique is located, which brings both new investments in the country, and at the same time a strong internal immigration, in search of work. However, the city lacks the infrastructure to cope with this rapid growth.

Project description

The Municipality of Nacala-Porto has decided to provide a sustainable system of maintenance of access roads and to build a drainage system up to the challenges of soil erosion that assume alarming proportions here, and that could endanger the port of Nacala. Soil erosion (sandy) is accelerated, and is caused by population settlements in ditches, slopes, ravines and near drainage basins, associated with environmental changes and torrential rains that are the main causes of erosion and that constantly endanger the lives of thousands of people.

Soil erosion is opening up craters that can reach twenty meters deep, fifteen meters wide and kilometers long. Nacala has 42 neighborhoods. Of these, more than half suffer the effects of soil erosion. The Female Polytechnic Community Institute of Nacala, which is located 4 km from the city of Nacala Porto, in the Ontupia district, does not have rainwater drainage, much less sewers to convey water, to this is added the elevation of the ground that is not uniform and that constitutes a concern for soil erosion putting at risk the infrastructure of the school and the lar.

For this reason, there is a need to create a sewerage network within the school complex to convey water and create a rainwater drainage system to reduce the impacts of erosion on the ground of the girls' school.


  • Securing school infrastructure from the risk of erosion


Direct: about 299 students; 22 teachers, 15 employees.

Indirect: the families of the girls, teachers and staff of the institute; the city of Nacala, which will have a paved and safe place, which will help reduce existing erosion




Referent sister for the project: Sr. Elvira Estrada González

Project's costs

Excavation & Earthwork
€ 32,910.00
€ 24,866.00
€ 13,985.00
€ 4,478.00
€ 76,239.00