Project Location
In Mangunde, about 400 km from Beira, lives a community of Comboni Sisters, whose priority has always been the promotion of women, starting with adolescents. In general, families are still quite closed and reluctant to let girls study because at home they help with housework. However, we know the importance of the education of women who are the pivot of society and we know that study is capable of changing mentality and perspective, thus helping to evolve both in the family and in society in general.
The big problem of families is the economic one because, living in rural areas, they rely almost exclusively on the harvest and therefore almost never manage to pay for their studies, especially those of secondary school.
Project description
In Mangunde there is a school that goes from elementary to twelfth grade, an agricultural institute and a Lar that currently welcomes 119 girls. The annual fee is very low precisely in order to facilitate access to school, and for this reason it is not enough to support the costs of food, hygiene products and various materials for the proper functioning of the lar.
In addition, in order to increase the level of learning of young girls, also intervening with remedial courses where there is a need (especially for those girls who have attended primary school in rural areas), there is a need to equip the lar with school books.
The lar supports an integral formation with meetings on human formation, hygiene, moral education, rights and duties of women in culture and in the world. This formation is given by the sister in charge of the lar. We think it is appropriate to give girls the opportunity to have moments of leisure and / or sport for a healthy intellectual and physical balance.
- Support the girls who are welcomed in our Lar so that they can build a better future for themselves and their families
- Improving girls' nutrition
- Offering an integral human formation
Direct: 119 girls of the lar
Indirect: families and society
Referent sister for the project: Sr. Harriet Draru
Project's costs