Project Location
Kuluku is a village in the diocese of Barentu with a population consisting exclusively of Cunama. The distance from Asmara, the capital city, is about 265 km. The last stretch of the dirt road is difficult to drive, consequently it takes many hours to reach the mission.
The Comboni Sisters, in an effort to come to the aid of particularly needy groups, established their presence among the Cunama in 2004 with a community in Tokombia. By the foundation of this second community in Kuluku, the Province intends to intensify its efforts to substantially improve the situation of this population.
The territory of Kuluku, where the new community has been established, lends itself to intensive educational, vocational, catechetical and social activities targeting all age groups, with a special focus on women, youth and children. The project takes place in the two villages of Kuluku and Agani, the latter of which is 10 km away.
Project description
The Cunama people need to be empowered in order to enhance their human, social and Christian development. We want to start with the youngest by offering them informal education, similar to a kindergarten, but less structured. In this way, the children can gradually learn to develop their social and intellectual abilities by receiving basic education for their future.
To prevent malnutrition, which is widespread in this area, we also provide a substantial snack to children, and we intend to help some of their families in times of greatest need, as they have to cope with a very difficult and precarious economic situation. For this reason, the budget includes the purchase of medicines, hygiene products, basic items and other commodities of daily life, as well as financial contributions to rents and utilities.
- To give children an informal basic education in order to prepare them for school and a dignified future.
- To support some of the children's families which find themselves in a very precarious economic situation
Direct: about 150 children
Indirect: their families and the surrounding society
Referent sister of the project: Sr. Elisa Kidanè
Project's costs