Project Location
In different parts of the country depending on where the young students go to study, but mainly in Rumbek, Wau and Juba.
Project description
All Saints ALP offers a comprehensive primary education programme to be covered in just four years to those who did not go to school at the right age but are interested in doing so. It accommodates a maximum of 220 students, both boys and girls between the ages of 12 and 30. The school is supported by the Department of Education of the Rumbek Diocese with a monthly incentive that together with the school fees constitute the monthly salary of the teaching and non-teaching staff.
After completing their basic education, some pupils are selected each year to be supported to continue on to secondary school or technical training. These must be boys and girls of the right school age, academically fit and whose family is able and interested in supporting them with the transport, food, accommodation, uniform, school requirements, etc. that are needed. Some teachers, after at least two years of satisfactory work in the school, can consider themselves mainly supported with tuition fees and sometimes textbooks, transport, internet connection and occasionally a laptop, the rest of the essentials being provided by their families.
- To provide an opportunity for boys and girls who want to make a difference in their future, family and society through education and to be agents of change
Direct: 22 girls
Indirect: their families and communities
Referent Sister for the project: Sr. Rita Romany
Project's costs