Project Location
This project is carried out on the outskirts of Bangui and precisely in the district of Bimbo where there is the parish of St. Anthony of Padova and where the Comboni Missionary Sisters live.
In recent years, the population here has increased a lot because many people have left their villages to join their family in the capital. Most of the population is made up of young people, especially girls who, although very young, already have children. Without forgetting all those poor people who most of the time have nothing to live for.
Project description
The crisis in Central Africa unfortunately continues and this situation leaves the population in an increasingly precarious situation, with the difficulty of even being able to buy the essential things to be able to live. Those who get in the way are always the poorest who are more and more and who are left to their fate.
Often several mothers come to our parish to ask for help so that their children can go to school and then we try to help them by paying for them school fees. The aid responds to food and health emergencies. We are also helping two people to pay rent of their house and consider helping poor families to enroll their children in school.
What we can do is try to respond to this real need that seems ever more urgent and every time someone comes to ask for help, we also try to support them on a human level by staying with the person for a while so as to get to know their situation better. Our wish is that these people can have a life worth living even with little.
Respond to the emergency of poverty that seems to be increasing more and more and do it at every level, both material and moral.
Referent sister of the project: Sr. Anna Faggion
Project's costs