Project Location
The project takes place in Addis Ababa, in a suburban area of the city called Yeka Michael Sub City, which every day becomes larger, and at the same time more attractive for ordinary people from the countryside, especially young boys and girls.
These people arrive in large numbers and, generally, do not find what they dreamed of when they moved to the city, thus increasing the already huge number of people living in poverty. These situations penalize especially girls, who very often end up on the street with children to look after.
Project description
In the rapid and profound change of Ethiopian society, every day we come across situations of distress that affect especially young girls. Plenty of them arrive at the city to work, and very often are then abused in the same families where they are employed, ending up with unwanted pregnancies. As if that were not enough, once the pregnancy is ascertained, many of those girls are put to the door.
To help these girls the Emmaus Shelter was set up. It offers single mothers a reception service ranging from three to six months. During this time the girls and young women live in the Shelter; they learn to take care of their child and to love it, and in the meantime they attend short training sessions that provide them with basic vocational skills.
Particular emphasis is placed on the rehabilitation of women and their reintegration into society by teaching them craft work so that they can sell their products at the local marketplace.
The project covers two stages: a first one of reception and assistance for at least six months, after the weaning of the child, during which the girls and young women are accompanied towards psycho-physical recovery. In the second, more complex stage, they are guided to find ways of reintegration in society, family and work. Our support in this process (both economic and human) is extended to at least another three months after they have left the Shelter.
- To assist women with newborn children who need a place to live, offering them board and accommodation, as well as health services if necessary
- To teach women small manual jobs, such as packaging a series of local handicrafts that they can sell, so that they might become economically independent after they have left the Shelter
- To offer emotional and human support to victims of violence
Direct: 20 women accommodated in the family house and their children
Indirect: their families; society
Referent sisters: sr Yamileth Bolaños and sr Tilde Ravasi
Project's costs