Project Location
The Project will be carried out in Peru, a country with three very marked regions such as the Coast, the Sierra (Andes) and the Selva (Amazon). In this first phase the project will be carried out mainly in the coastal part and in some places in the Sierra, visiting some provinces and meeting young people from different parishes and study centers, sharing Christian and moral values with them so that they can become people with critical capacity and can help others not to enter the vicious circle of drugs or gangs.
The main values that we want to share are honesty, commitment, solidarity, fraternity and respect for the most vulnerable and who knows someone who can compromise their life for the causes of the Gospel. We have already visited some communities, we have had meetings with some young people and we have created some groups that we would like to continue to give continuity to.

Project description
As previously indicated, we will continue with the 3 existing groups of Lima-Callao, Chincha (coastal area), Arequipa and Sicuani (Andean area of southern Peru) with themes of mission and prevention of trafficking, which is involving many young people. We want to use this same methodology in other areas and communities such as Cajamarca, Trujillo, and some coastal and Andean areas. Each place will be visited twice a year, outside the areas of Lima - Callao and Chincha, which are closer areas.
In the places of remote areas, during the time that we are not present, the group coordinators will continue with the meetings and deal with the established topics. For the visits to these areas it is necessary to travel in some cases more than 18 hours, and when possible we do it by plane. During the meetings a small snack will also be shared. We travel to the closest areas such as Lima-Callao and Chincha by public transport (bus), the average duration is 3 to 4 hours.
The meeting with these groups is carried out in agreement with local leaders, parish priests and Combonian missionaries, Augustinians and lay groups present in the area. This project aims to contribute to the creation of more peaceful and collaborative communities.
- Train young leaders in human and social values.
- Prevent young women from falling into trafficking networks or mafias.
- Create networks of young people engaged in society to help each other and prevent drug abuse and human trafficking.
- romote education and protection of human rights.
- Raise awareness of the value of family and non-violence, especially against children and women.
Direct: 150 young people between 15 and 25 years old in different areas of Peru.
Indirect: Families of young people and the community
Local contribution
The young people will make some small works that, once sold, will help cover some expenses, especially transportation.
Referent sister of the project: Sr. Amelia Romo Márquez
Project's costs